McMaster University

50 x 60 custom booth exhibiting annually


Develop a design concept that addressed the University's concern for traffic flow of 120,000 attendees over 3 days, prompt delivery of attendees to their areas of interest, audio visual presentations and data collection from several thousand attendees, and the ability to answer questions and distribute 15,000 – 20,000 brochures within a 3 day period.


Stevens E3 developed a design that took advantage of overhead allowances to design a booth that had an interesting architectural shape suspended from the centre of the booth, along with overhead signage and large kiosks with faculty information within each kiosk. A centrally located iPad data collection centre was fabricated holding 12 iPads for the collection of student information. Two large video monitors were running looping video all the time of information on the campus, and the use of huge fabric graphics was prevalent throughout the booth directing attendees promptly to the faculties they were most interested in. Large aesthetically pleasing literature dispensing stands were designed and built allowing for several thousand brochures to be out on the floor at any given time, thus reducing the load time required by staff.

Watch McMaster's testimonial about their experience with Stevens E3