Paris, 5 May – UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, today publishes a global
framework aimed at the safe and controlled reopening of exhibitions and B2B trade events around the
world. The document is intended to become a de facto standard in exchanges with policy makers and
authorities around the world.
The framework is put together by a specialist taskforce of partners and industry leaders, whose
operational recommendations reflect emerging regulatory conditions around the world. It provides an
advocacy narrative on why exhibitions must be prioritised for reopening, which UFI is counting on
industry stakeholders to endorse.
All aspects of exhibition design and delivery are accommodated in the framework, ranging from the
event environment to a wholesale reconsideration of the customer journey. It sets out to provide
governments and health authorities around the world with the information they require to confidently
green-light exhibitions once again.
“The ability of associations to lead and help foster discussion and debate across whole industries
makes us central to a crisis such as the outbreak of Covid-19,” says UFI President Mary Larkin.
“UFI prides itself on a network of members and partners that sits at the forefront of exhibition industry
development, and consequently we have some of the world’s leading authorities working with us on
this framework. We hope that the industry comes together in support of this initiative and helps make
the framework synonymous with our industry’s recovery.”
The framework is intended as a working document, subject to ongoing input that will be used to provide
concrete examples. As a result, the benefit of the framework is not only operational, but political.
The framework includes around 30 items that will ensure that exhibitions can run in a safe environment.
It covers areas like personnel and personal safety, physical distancing, increased health and safety
regulations, the implementation of crowd control, and the encouragement and enforcement regulations
– all before, during, and after the event respectively.
By embracing and promoting the framework, the industry can not only ensure a unified approach to
their day-to-day management but engage in re-opening talks with authorities and governments on all
levels – the bodies that give licence for exhibitions to take place.
UFI will continue the exchange with organisers, venues, service providers and industry associations to
add further input and expand the framework with concrete examples of good practice from around the
world. Ongoing dialogue with the industry as a whole will increase both the framework’s efficacy, and
the likelihood that stakeholders adhere to its stated health and safety recommendations.
Managing Director and CEO of UFI, Kai Hattendorf, says: “Exhibitions are distinct from other large
events. Crowd management, visitor flow and adherence to operational protocols can be tightly
managed. A strong framework provides a compelling case for the recommencement and continuation
of this vital industry. By pledging to ensure the health and safety of all exhibition participants, tradeshows can resume their rightful place as a proven fast track to trade and market recovery.”
To download a copy of the document prepared by UFI, click here.
Story originally published by UFI. Contact details below.
UFI Communications Team
17, rue Louise Michel
92300 Levallois-Perret, France
Phone: (33) 1 46 39 75 00
Email: media@ufi.org